The Truth About Flat Abs

I have been exercise for so many years but doesn't really have proper way to reduce fat effectively. Why i into this because I'm also a bodybuilder other than online DJ and i have access of fat to get rid of. So i started to exercise again and find better tips of reducing weight a few months ago.And guess what, I really do find effective tips and i already try out about 2 month ago.Well for the first month, i reduce 5kg of my weight, but when its come to second month i got some issues with my family saying that I'm too enthusiastic in reducing weight, all that heavy training and serious diet. My family doesn't like seeing me the way i diet so they try to offer me some good home cooking meal and because of that i have let my guard down and doesn't really serious dieting in second month. But i still want to continue this.I have set my goal to reduce weight. I really want to meet my ideal weight and to meet my VJ real soon. Hehe probably that my real propose, to meet VJ haha I'm DJ after all. but what i try to say is getting lose weight is not easy. Tips that i found is more to natural way and doesn't really need for diet product. I don't trust diet product because is not really effective and waste of money. huhu hearing how hard i into this you guys really eager to hear some incredible tips i have. no worry, enough of my story let get this serious.
          The truth is getting flat abs is not easy. If you guys really into this better get serious and read what i about to say.

What you really need for flat abs

Getting flat abs requires hard work, commitment and something else you have no control over: cooperative genes.The only way to get flat abs is to lose body fat and you already know what that requires:

  1. Regular cardio exercise
  2. Strength training for entire body
  3. A healthy, low calorie diet
Sound easy right but that doesn't change the fact that is really hard to do it. To do this you have to change your lifestyle and become active person. You must get all three of these (especially your diet) right on a consistent basis in order to even get close to flat abs. And, something else important: If you've lost body fat and you still don't have flat abs, don't be terribly surprised. Many of us will never see that six-pack because:
  • The body fat level required to get flat abs is lower than you can sustain with your current lifestyle/schedule, or
  • The body fat level required is lower than is healthy for your body to function.
So, even if you follow a perfect program and a perfect diet, flat abs still may elude you. Does that mean you should give up? You shouldn't give up on exercise but, maybe, giving up the ideal of six-pack abs is exactly what you need to make your life better.
        Even though i saying this, but still this tips is suitable for losing weight not just flat abs and this tips is for man and women is not restrict to men only. I know if girls read this say that tips number 2, "Strength training for entire body" is not suitable for girl. Girls you must face this fact if you want to get rid of fats this is the most fastest and natural way to do.

Now you know the truth: The goal to get flat abs may:
  • Require more exercise than your schedule will allow and more than you can mentally handle
  • Require more attention to your diet than you're willing/able to expend
  • Require more strict adherence to diet/and exercise than you have the time or energy to spare
  • Not be in your genetic cards
If that's the case, maybe it's time to get rid of that goal. It may seem foreign to imagine an exercise life without it, but it's possible and tossing that goal may actually be a relief, allowing you to focus on what you can change.
Now's the time to ask yourself:
  • Do I really want flat abs?
  • Am I willing to work as hard as I need to to get them?
  • If I will work that hard, am I willing to accept that it still may not happen, even if I do everything right?
  • If I did get six-pack abs, what will that change in my life? What will flat abs actually do for me?
  • What would happen if I let go of this ideal and focused on other goals? 
Accepting that your body works as a whole and not in pieces and parts is the first step towards releasing that ideal body that lurks in your mind and embracing the one you have now. I think is time to think about it and do it or not.
      I already prove that the tips work myself and you guys know how hard it is to get flat abs. It might takes years to realize this dream. I still working on it till today. Remember this tips is suitable for boy and girl is not restricted boy only as i already mention above. So, to do this is up to you guys. If i can do it, why not you.

 This is not the only tips i have, i have plenty more to be post after this so wait till next time.